Monday, 20 July 2020

20th July 2020

It's Monday the 20th of July buy and over the last few days have had a constant headache I don't know maybe I'm doing to much, maybe my husband right im doing  too much 🤔 maybe I should  do 1 lot of wii dancing 💃  instead  of 2.

Thursday, 16 July 2020

This is the recent post it is the 16th of July 2020 and we have been in lockdown since beginning of May 2020 I've had Louis home 4 months now from school he is going back to school tomorrow for the last day of term so they can tell them what day are planning for September he will be in your 10 I can't believe and he will be 15 he is starting to walk more which is great I have been doing my wee dance and every day I burn 300 calories today I am doing MyFitnessPal daily and now I am back to 15st 3.5lb still hate PCOS
Hi finally found my blog after all these years so bloody happy I can now continue.